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Wakacon Fijian - Safe?


Kava Curious
Sorry for the delay, had taken photos the following day and just hadn't sat down to post them. Tried to get the best lighting I could. First time trying the acetone test, and even the borogu looked darker than I anticipated. Going to try again with different (taller) containers to see if that was a variable. Not considering this round of tests accurate.
IMG_20160607_035501.jpg IMG_20160607_035521.jpg IMG_20160607_035426.jpg


Kava Enthusiast
No problem! I know we all get busy sometimes, and I'm thankful that you did the test at all :D Hmm. They all look fairly yellow. I wonder if you are on the right track with the taller container idea, or if it makes a difference. Very cool, nonetheless. I don't go out much but the next time I do I'm going to look for some acetone. I still haven't left the house to go shopping since I said I'd buy some and that was like 2 weeks ago. -_-' I'm a hermit.


Kava Curious
Just bought some borogu. Haven't tried more than 4 tsp yet, and it wasn't on an empty stomach so I'm not sure if I felt much. I've heard it's a heavier kava.
I really like the borogu, it's pretty potent and relaxing. Good one for the hours before you intend to go to sleep which is when I'm drinking my kava on week nights. Nambawan hits me similar but more potent and quicker to lag my vision, and so far my favorite kava. All I've had outside of the wakacon is BKH varieties, so my opinions are bias from that perspective.


Kava Curious
Can find acetone in the paint supplies (will be with the other stripper and solvents). My assumption right now is either the acetone I got (jasco, all Lowe's carried) isn't pure acetone, the containers are too wide, I screwed something up, or... i screwed something up, lol. Gonna keep testing, i have about 1/4lb of both the waka and lawena left and won't be drinking it often (I have 2lbs of nambawan and 1/2lb of borogu i'm working through). In the acetone you can definitely see a difference in the kavas though, the lawena has a lot more of the tan powdery residue. The waka has quite a bit, then a lot of "stemmy" looking debris. The borogu looks like sand and has very little of the tan powdery residue. Not sure if you can take that as an indicator of quality or if it deals more with the grind.