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Wakacon Fijian - Safe?


Kava Enthusiast
I'm not sure where to ask this, but am new to the forums here; I have purchased 2 LBs of Wakacon Fijian Kava from Amazon, and I've been searching the internet like mad about info on Kava. I've seen some acetone tests on this Kava from here in the forums and it looked orange-ish. Not really orange but definitely a tinge of orange. Shouldn't noble Kava strains have a yellow hue?? I'm still a little scared, and I noticed that it's been a while since the last acetone test for this vendor. I guess I am just a little apprehensive because I have experienced some side-effects such as nausea and diarrhea, so I'm not sure if this Kava has some bad stuff in it or is mixed with tudei or what...? I'm just looking for some reassurance from anyone who uses this product or has used it. I am thinking about doing my own acetone test but have none on hand at the moment. I've already gone through the first bag with mostly good results, have a bit of patchy skin on my right cheek and my lips are a tad chapped. Other than the nausea and diarrhea, I think I made too strong a brew and drank too much too quickly because I ended up throwing up violently and spend the rest of the day in bed. I used to binge drink alcohol a few years ago, and have since stopped, and do not consume alcohol on a regular basis. I'm still really afraid about the whole liver thing though, even after I've read a ton about it that says it's very rare. It's just natural to be apprehensive sometimes I suppose. I haven't had any severe side effects but just wondered if anyone else had consumed Wakacon Kava or has had an opportunity to perform a more recent acetone test. If I can get hold of some myself, I might decide to perform the test as well. Thanks for any advice, feedback, words of wisdom, etc you may have for me as I am looking for any and every bit of info I can get, especially on this particular vendor.


Kava aficionado
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Kava Enthusiast
Thank you for the feedback, I feel a little better! :) I watched your video review on YouTube regarding this vendor before joining here on the forums. I have been lurking a bit! Lol. Am a bit more relieved now. Drank about 1 cup to 3-4 tbsp and today, no nausea so far. I did eat first, some chips and salsa. It seems to give me more nausea on an empty stomach, which is a bummer since I hear it works better on an empty one, but I have always been sensitive that way. Perhaps my body was getting used to the new herb, I am not sure. I have noticed my skin is doing a little better since I have rubbed some lotion on the area, and my chapped lips are getting a little better. I think I just overdid it in the first couple of days in my excitement to try it, but it seems I am beginning to adjust. Thank you again so much! Glad to be here and be part of the community. Hope to learn all I can. :)


Consuming proper Kava, properly will have no effect on the liver. Period.
The liver scare is long dead, and bans we're lifted when the confusion was sorted out.
So don't worry about that because at this point and with new knowledge there is no reason to believe Kava has an effect on the liver.

I know for a fact that if I ended up with a hurt liver I would question why without even thinking Kava a culprit.


Kava Enthusiast
I would be careful with Wakacon's products. See this thread: http://hodgemail.us/forum/index.php?threads/2459/
Unfortunately, I did view this post upon searching for any information on the vendor, I stumbled on it today actually, and it does concern me quite a bit. I'm going to pick up some acetone eventually here soon and perform a test. It definitely gave me some undesirable side effects the first couple times around. However, I now seem to be doing alright on it. I think perhaps I made mine too strong, drank it too quickly, failed to strain adequately enough, and my stomach is already quite sensitive. This morning I began with a small snack of chips w/ salsa, and then proceeded to make a kava mix that consisted of about 4 tbsp root powder to about one cup of cool water. I'm glad that the liver scare has been mostly put to rest, though it bothers me that my father asked one of his co-workers, an ex-pharmacist or something of the like, about kava, and he said he "didn't recommend it". I asked, any reason why? And my father said the guy told him it could damage the liver. I must've read almost every link I could find regarding this subject and from what I can tell, there are very few cases of liver toxicity/failure that can be directly attributed to kava. And I feel he is misinformed, but, alas, that is another reason I joined the kava forums. I needed to speak with those with experience on the matter. :)


No evidence Kava damages liver.
Past Kava damage was based on mischief and not the authentic products we have today.
The liver dispute is completely dead. The old information is continuously read by new people researching Kava, and it sucks because it is just a bunch of shit.
Literally Kava was illegal in my country and now legal after it was figured Kava is completely safe to the liver.
An ex-pharmacists wisdom of Kava is as dead as the liver scare, and is irrelevant.
Order from the most respected vendors and you are safe.

People who had damaged liver in the past where not drinking pure, and properly produced Kava root.
Effort was made to show Kava as safe since, and it is no longer thought of really. Just the lingering warnings you can find on google.
Drink certified Noble for the safest choice.

Many long time drinkers on these forums have posted liver tests with healthy results.
Kava is love :happy:
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I'm surprised you already got some patchy skin. Make sure you drink lots of water to help keep your skin in check. My lips got really chapped the other night too from Kava, and is the issue of continuous Kava consumption.


Kava Enthusiast
Well. I did have a cold a week prior to this, so it could be that the kava just exaggerated that, since blowing my nose so much chapped it, and my lips a bit, but meh. I used a little desitin / zinc oxide on that patchy spot on my cheek and it cleared right up in about a day. Awesome stuff. Keeping chap stick on helped a lot, too. :) I did have a couple rounds of getting the hang of dosage, so I know I ingested more than was necessary during the first couple days. Now I'm experiencing much more pleasant effects, and I think it's possibly because I've made an effort to eat a little in between cups, and my finding a more appropriate dose. I usually have about 2 small cups and that's where I like to be. I definitely drink lots of water, I carry my (1000ml / 33.8 oz) bottle with me wherever I go, partly because I live in Phoenix lol. I feel like I refill the thing about 8 times a day so hopefully that part is good and covered lmbo. :)
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Which country is it, if you don't mind? I would love to use it as an example in a little presentation I am working on
I never read into it but I believe in Canada Kava was banned somewhere early 2000s and lifted in 2012?

Here is an article when the ban was in force:
I can't seem to find one in regards to why the ban was lifted. It would be nice to have an article that says "Kava appears to be safe".
But here is a 2015 article as well:
It seems I exaggerated in what Canada thinks, but the ban was lifted.
"Prolonged kava use has been used associated with a risk of liver damage."
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Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
Hey welcome :)
If your getting dry skin and neasua and throwing up from the kava then I would recommend trying a different one. Fijian waka is known to have pretty quick skin effects. Regardless of whether or not it's tuedi it doesn't seem to work with you well. Same with me . I get real watery eyes and chapped lips from Fijian waka almost instantly .
You made a wise choice coming here to learn about kava :)
The history of the liver issues is a real easy one to explain. I always just use the story of the potatoe plant.
Imagine if someone was making potatoe extracts ... then some lazy company told them. Hey the ingrediants we want are also in the leafs and stems not just underground. We're gonna be extracting with alc anyway lets just throw the whole plant in ... that's practicaly what happened. When people ask if I'm concerned. I just reference that we all eat potatoes .. never worrying about the many (more than kava) reports of liver damage from green potatoes . Lol.
I hope that helps.
Haha and by the blurry ness of your picture I think the kava is hitting you pretty hard ;)


Kava Enthusiast
Thank you!
I'll definitely be able to make a more informed purchase now that I'm becoming privy to how it all works. That's an interesting theory about the potatoes that I never would've thought of. My mom did tell me not to eat green potatoes because they were poisonous or something like that lol. But nevertheless it's a huge relief to hear testimonies of Kava's safety straight from the mouths of those with much experience on the matter and it's really a shame that it's gotten such a bad rap. I knew that's why I had to join! :) I'm feeling a looot better though, and my skin did clear up, but I think I might go with your recommendation, since my main concern was indeed that Wakacon may have some possible adulteration. I've heard tudei isn't the best when it comes to everyday consumption, which is kind of what I'm going for. I'd feel much better if I tested it with the acetone and saw what color it came out to, but haven't gotten around to picking any up yet. Good to know I'm not the only one who has experienced what I did with the Fijian Waka. :) I'll use the reviews and other resources here to help me find a good one that has been relatively consistent. Ahh. Now I'm gonna go mix a few shells! Da kana!
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Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
Hahah your attitude brightens my day :)
You should really try some Gourmet hawaiin kava, it's really the "krim DE LA krim " or however it's spelled lol. For sure noble!

Yep ! Same exact issue. Potatoes above ground have an alkaloid .. kava above ground contains an alkaloid known as piper methystin? I believe the spelling is right.. but that is what is responsible for the few cases of liver damage .
If you look too these people weren't long term users of traditional prep kava .. not even tuedi... all the cases were vitamin shoppe style kava extract pills or caps/ tincture. Not a single one is a prepared kava or instant or micro.

If you go to the health monitoring thread title thingy . We have tons of people's liver tests / word of results of liver tests that are all on point . Usually the enzymes are a bit high but that's not cause for alarm and they're all living haha :)

The people whom also got liver issues didn't make it past a year before shit went south. Majority of us here have been here long enough where something would've happened... I'll have been drinking kava every day pretty heavily for a year coming the 27th

Kap has been drinking kava for 10 years now and he's alive and well. ...wait is he?? @Kapmcrunk are you there KAPPPPP!


Kava Enthusiast
I'm all for that idea. Do you know of any? I'm sure you must! ;)

And yes -- I did notice that, about the cases that were mentioned. I've tried to read all the links I can find on this and it's just ridiculous. NIH cites
"Based upon reported cases, the estimated frequency of clinically apparent liver injury due to Kava is less than 1:1,000,000 daily doses."


Which I'm sure you and everyone else here has already seen. It's really, really awesome that you guys have people posting their liver test results here, because that is such a great way to document the proof that Kava is indeed safe. That could be used in medical journals or something, I would think scientists or some kind of medical researchers would be interested in that data. I would be! Of course, with any drug there will unfortunately be a small percentage of people who for some reason just have a horrible reaction, weren't using it properly, had a bad product, had a pre-existing condition, or something else, or a combination thereof, but I think that's why it's just so important to do the homework, know your body, know your drugs, and just use some common sense.
And Lol! That's good, makes me feel even better!! I'm only on my second or third week - still a Kava-amateur, haha. Kavamateur? o_O
But it sounds like Kap is a seasoned vet in the area of Kava drinking! He must be a fountain of knowledge when it comes to all things Kava! :D

On a different note, however, how would one advise a person who used to binge drink vodka pretty heavily in past years regarding Kava use? Does it matter if a person has stopped doing that for a few years, or would it still be unsafe to use Kava if that person was a heavy drinker in the past? I know it is definitely unsafe to drink alcohol and Kava together, from what I have read. But I'm not sure how Kava would impact a person who used to drink heavily and might already have a somewhat damaged liver. I suppose it would depend on how much binging happened, over how long of a period, and things like that.

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Kava Enthusiast
Good to hear it! I'm so glad I can start relaxing and just enjoy the good vibes. You all are very much appreciated for all the great info and dedication you've put into this forum. I admire that and hope to engage in many more discussions with members here about Kava and perhaps the occasional off-topic discussion, I enjoy making new friends and now that is much easier thanks to the therapeutic value of this herb. I'm really quite reserved but Kava not only helps me calm my nerves, but also allows me to bond with new acquaintances, something I've had a very hard time with for several years. I am unemployed, taking care of my mother who has end-stage COPD. Sometimes the grieving aspect makes life tough in the sense that it's difficult to watch a loved one suffer. I wish I could give her some, as she used to smoke cannabis in an attempt to calm bronchial spasms, however she is unfortunately on too many medications otherwise. I feel it could have really helped her, darn. However, it has helped me immensely with stress/anxiety related to this situation and I'm grateful for that. :)

Zac Imiola (Herbalist)

Kava Connoisseur
Seriously youll be okay :)

That's terrible. I understand not fully yet but my dad has COPD now luckily he will drink the occasional shell with me !! Woot woot!

I would've never guessed you were reserved normally ! Lol I think ( no offense other new members) but one of the most talkative and upbeat new member I've talked to ! Lol I feel like certain people show up on the forums , like myself and squanch and we end up "sticking around " in a social sense and become very active members. I feel like your going to have a blast here ! Lol
You should check out mahakea by GHK and Nangol noble by bula kava house those two are freaking amazing kavas. Nambawan is to. I just got that I'm the mail yesterday and it's phenomenol. Lol I'm excited for you to get to try all these amazing kavas for the first time.
That's the best part about kava . Just like cannabis . Theres so many strains !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh it's like Christmas everyday

Pretty much most new members become active as hell. Haha I'm a new member too! Off topic stuff is where it gets super fun lol. @Deleted User01 is the kavaforum jester