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Paradise Kava's Fijian

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
Sooo good. Had a nice session on the beach with some friends in Ghana tonight. This is a good, long-lasting creeper with a heavenly creamy flavor. Great for sedation and stress relief... Well done, Adil and Fiji!
*review coming to Kavasseur soon

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
I drank this Kava around 4 - 6 P.M (5 shells) and just melted into the night. It began to wear off a bit around 9 P.M but then kicked back in when I hit the bed and I slept deeply and traveled to outer space in my dreams. This Kava is now one of my favorites... I have always loved the mellower Kavas, and this one is definitely on top in that category. Adil, any chance you can score some top-notch Tongan powder?


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
*GASP!* is tha.....is that *squint* is that beer? What is this beer nonsense?

HA! just nit-picking. Looks nice out there...but the water in the background is scary. Humans and the ocean...one does not belong in the other.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
I need to photoshop myself into an island paradise so I can fit in here.
Awesome! I just bought me 1lb of this yesterday! I am looking forward to it and cannot wait! I am almost finished with Stone Kava and looking to try something new. This will be my 3rd bag, 3rd different Kava company. Maybe Paradise will stick. (smiley: grin)


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Oh we can fix that Kapmcrunk. A few bags of replacement soil, some chicken/steer manure maybe some stone slabs and a decent outdoor table/chair...
Eggplant looks quite nice when in bloom and a thai chili plant looks wicked when it's loaded with red peppers. Throw in some choice flower types to attract hummingbirds, Butterflies, Bumble Bees and we're golden. 
I drink kava out in the back when everything starts to bloom.

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
Lovin' the Fijian. Second night drinking it was even better than the first. The beer in the picture was not being consumed by me, by the way ;-)


Kava Curious
I noticed kavabyrex was all out of fiji kava lately, bummer. Would this Fijian kava make a good substititue? i like the sedating fiji that relaxing, helps with sleep.
Also - the Hawiian stuff looks pretty good too based on what im reading on it. could you describe the aspects of that?


Paradise Kava

Honolulu, HI
Kava Vendor
Yea! Jammin' that Kava down by the coast! Right on Doug!

I'm always anxious if the Kavasseur likes our stuff (seriously, after the first review which was excellent, I felt the only way to go was down)

Personally had to extend the Back Order on the Fijian Kava for a whopping 14 months as various suppliers tried to market their steady mix (70/30 or 60/40 - Laterals to Stump ratio)... when I asked for 100% laterals.

Well, we waited and waited as several of our local customers here did.

Finally, got a small batch of laterals only, which is almost gone as I type this.

Can we get this spectacular quality again?

We hope so!....within 14 months this time. lol!

Cheers brother! Looks beautiful... like Hawaii down there. :)

EXTREMEG - Try a small bag and see if it is to your liking. Hawaiian is more euphoric to me, and Fijian, more sedating.



Kava Enthusiast
Extreme G, I am a big fan of KBR's Fijian. I would say this is as good if not better. Its slightly different in a way I cant really describe, but its as good if not better in terms of strength. The taste is really unique as well, strong peppery flavor with almost a smokey element to it. Its an all around excellent kava that I'm happy to have handy after a totally shitty week.


Kava Curious
Yet another thumbs up to Fijian. I got it a couple of days ago and, for me, it is super heady (very floaty) and cranks me up. I know several people posted it sedating, and I am sure it is for them, but I reacted differently so far. Of course I fixed it in the traditional 1 tablespoon to one cup of water, so I am going to crank that up a bit and see if the effect alters with dosage. Finally the taste is very palatable for a kava, less earthy and a little fresh 'green' taste with a peppery and bitter finish. Even though I seem to post a lot of 'how to flavor your kava' recipes, I almost always drink it straight and this is a very drinkable kava.

ExtremeG, what did you think of the Hawaiian? For me it is a favorite so far.


Kava Enthusiast
Surprised there hasn't been more discussion about PK's Fijian around here.  Every time I drink it (usually a mere 2tbs), I feel absolutely stoned. 

Just wickedly potent stuff.  Like, I-can't-go-out-in-public-like-this potent. 

And yes, that's a recommendation.  Is anybody else feeling it like I do?

Paradise Kava

Honolulu, HI
Kava Vendor
Absolutely agree Dan, it's a real powehouse and I cannot handle more than 3 tbs in a sitting. Really glad we were able to restock this glorious waka from Kadavu.


Kava Lover
Man just the thought of this stuff is making my mouth water! Unfortunately I've been spoiled by KBR and BKH with their 30 a pound prices, do you guys think this stuff is worth the near 60 price tag?


Kava Curious
Krunkedout said:
Man just the thought of this stuff is making my mouth water! Unfortunately I've been spoiled by KBR and BKH with their 30 a pound prices, do you guys think this stuff is worth the near 60 price tag?
Well, yes and no.  Price has a tendency to go up faster than quality, because of the old 80/20 rule (for 20% of the effort you can get 80% of the results).  So is that $80 bottle of wine really 4 times better than the $20?  No, probably not, but IF you enjoy wine and want to get some made with the grapes grown on some tiny farm in France which have a unique taste, then yes it is worth it.  I will say that this is top quality kava, but I only ordered it after I signed a big contract as a reward to myself.  Life is short, you got to treat yourself special sometimes.