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The Squanch Logo picture

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Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
I know it's a picture of someone in a deck chair (no, it's a hammock) looking down his body at his legs, his feet in sandals, holding a shell on a beach. But what I see whenever I see the pic is some weird creature waving his arms in the air. Am I the only one?
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Kava aficionado
I know it's a picture of someone in a deck chair looking down his body at his legs, his feet in sandals, holding a shell on a beach. But what I see whenever I see the pic is some weird creature waving his arms in the air. Am I the only one?
Do you mean the logo?


Nope, I thought it was just me, I thought it was just a cartoon of a 'squanch', kinda like a cute krunked Sasquatch. It was only later I looked at the picture and realized it was a guy/squanch looking at his feet on the beach. The mind is a funny thing, always looking for patterns that may not be there.


Kava Vendor
Now I am tripping at what others see in the label. I thought it was easy to see that it was a Squanch in a hammock, staring out at the beach, while getting his krunk on. :)


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
I'm trying to see it the wrong way but I can't, are the dots on his belly supposed to be the eyes ?
¿ Some kind of smiling blob creature with feet hands, like this:

If not, describe where the features are.


I'll have the pyrones with some pepper, please.
Yeah I spent some time trying to see what they are seeing and I can't see it. What are they putting in their kava? You guys do know that you should not smoke the kava, try drinking it.
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