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Powdered Kava Review Solomon Island Kava


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
What a wonderful kava. First, it smells and looks nice and strong. The grind is wonderfully coarse. I've been drinking finely ground kava for the last month or two, not by choice, and I forgot what it was like to give my strainer one or two good squeezes and get all the juice out instead of having to push play-doh through it.

The effect this kava gives is excellent. It is remarkably clean feeling with no body load whatsoever. The mental effects are hard to pin down, exactly, but more than anything else it feels very good, stimulating but not overexciting. I don't know if I would go so far as the Kavasseur and compare it to other substances which will remain nameless, but I could certainly see myself having a couple shells of this and doing some serious thinking. A great change of pace from my normal muscle melting Vanuatu grog.
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Bula To Eternity
I'm trying to beef up the number of reviews for N@H. If you don't mind could you reply to this with a shell rating for your review, so I can convert it to the new format? 1 shell is lowest and 5 shells is highest.
