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So I chugged a whole lot of Kava first time


Kava Curious
Never tried Kava before and I used this method to strain it . The taste was horrendous, sort of spicy and it burns your throat. The first thing I feel is the spiciness and burning sensation from drinking it and my mouth/throat feels numb. I'll update my progress.


Kava Curious
Feel a little intoxicated/high, but without the body buzz feeling. Body is perfectly normal, but mind is a little intoxicated. Numbness is completely gone. Stomach feels very bloated, but not nauseous.


Kava Curious
25 minutes in: Basically it feels like you are tipsy, but without the sloppiness. Feel like vomitting... like a hard cough or a punch to the gut would make me projectile vomit, but I'm relaxed so I don't care. If I was in the subway then that would be a different story... I would be putting every ounce of will in order to not vomit. I definitely feel it, but I didn't take enough. I want to feel the effects more.


May the Brew be with you
I doubt that you will get enough Kavalactones out of the powder with this method.  It is not sufficient to soak and strain. You need to press the kavalactones out of the root.
My suggestion is to use this method:
(flash video)


Kava Curious
I just chugged a big cup of Kava again. Definitely feel it more this time. Stomach feels worse and I'm closer to puking. Slight euphoric and relaxation... I feel really spacey. Like drunk and stoned at the same time. Definitely relaxed.


Kava Curious
ObiWan said:
I doubt that you will get enough Kavalactones out of the powder with this method.  It is not sufficient to soak and strain. You need to press the kavalactones out of the root.

My suggestion is to use this method:
Ok I'll try that next time. I need to find a cheesecloth strainer.


Kava Curious
Right now I feel relaxed and happy. Mouth is still a little numb. I like it, only problem is the taste. It taste like a mix of spicy herbs.


Kava Curious
Drank another 3 tablespoons. Feel very relaxed and happy. Smoking a cigarette is very enjoyable. Vision is different in a way like a weed high. But dont feel stupid. Posting pointless posts here makes me happy.