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should i use water, milk, soy milk, or coconut milk?

I've read from multiple sources that using milk/soy milk/coconut milk is better then using just plain water, due to the fact the the kavalactones bond to fat molecules(<-- well that's what I've read).

Is there really a noticeable difference in strength when using milk/soy milk/coconut milk  vs  using water?


Kava Enthusiast
There may be a difference but you probably won't notice it. Many of us start out including other things like almond milk, soy milk, etc. to help with the taste and get more out of the extraction, but over time it seems like most gradually move to just water.

Deleted User01

I use the soy lecithin granules.  About 2 tabs for 2 cups kava.  I also use  75 percent coconut water (it's too sweet with 100 percent).  Anyway, the 2 combine well and the taste is pretty decent.  I tried cocoa powder one time but it made the Kava too thick.   Coconut water keeps it thin and tasty.


I typically just toss and wash but when I take the time to brew up as strong of a kava as I can make, I'll put my kava in the blender with a cup of milk, blend for a few minutes, then add water to the mix and hand squeeze and knead for as long as I can.

I really prefer milk to coconut water or lecithin because I really like the taste, it tends to bring out the nutty flavors out of the kava and reduce the peppery/bitter tastes.


Kava Curious
I like to use 1 to 3 ratio of Coconut Almond milk to water.  

Its pretty sweet and helps take a bit of the bite out of the drink.  

I also believe it helps in extracting the Kava.

I also now, after mixing the water/milk heat it up to between 130 - 150 F then add the root, let sit for an hour, blend, then kneed it for 5 minutes or so...  

Filter it twice, then cool.

Works very well!

For sure a labor of love :)