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Sample Package?


Kava Curious
Hey Judd,

Long term Kava drinker and forum lurker posting here for the first time. I've been drinking Kava since the herbal rush of the late 90s. "The Dream of the 90s is Alive in Portland."

Anyway, your Kava is the best I've ever drank. I'll be stopping by the Nakamal when my Portland friends get married next summer. (I live on the other American ocean. Quite a plane ride.)

I was wondering if you would consider offering a reasonably priced sample set of your kavas. Just enough to make a shell of two of all your different strains. I realize that packaging is probably your biggest cost, but given the cost of even 1/4 kilo of kava, making a test round of your different types is difficult. I find myself afraid to branch out from what works.

I must believe there are others like me. Might lead to increased sales.

Just a thought.


Bula Kava House

Portland, OR
Kava Vendor
Kava Bar Owner
We may start doing something like this in the future. It would likely be more like 100 grams of each of our kavas because we feel that a shell or two isn't enough to give a kava variety a fair shake. I think it's nice to have a couple sessions with one before passing judgement. In the meantime, thank you for your business. I'm glad you like our kava.

On another note, look out for some PNG, and Fijian kava coming soon. I've stumbled across a new supplier who's processing kava root that hasn't yet touched US shores. It will take some time to get set up with him, but I'm super excited.