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Powdered Kava Review Papa'Ele'ele Kava


Ok after the long hard week i had. A new strain is always welcome especially if its from chris at ghk. I usually go with heavy hitters on sat night but i didnt know what this awa would do so i gave it a shot. I was irattaited and tired so the first shell gave me an onset of ephoria and scrubbed out my worries by the 3rd shell i was wiping, moping , and singing on the way home i was melting into the seat of my coworkers car. With total relaxation . I did not think this would be a muscle kava but they were quite nicely relaxed.:cool:Ohh yea and this kava taste creamy and sweet like almond milk u can actually sip it like coffee:ROFLMAO:
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Gourmet Hawaiian Kava

Kava Expert
Kava Vendor
Hi Bulabuck, thanks for the review, I am glad you liked the Hawaiian kava. Now you can see how almost creamy the Hawaiian kava can be. I remember when I would drink the kava with a good creamy like flavor and I would think to myself, is it just me or is this some really creamy tasting kava. Now since your not the only one that has mentioned it, I guess it is not just me. :)


Deleted User01

Thanks BulaBuck you confirmed my take on the color and taste. This one might be good for creating Cocktails. I guess I need to start reviewing Kava when I'm not in the best of moods so I can appreciate the effects. I did my review on Sunday afternoon and I was already relaxed and fooling around on the computer. But for the life of me, I can never feel the body effect until I lay on the couch.