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Powdered Kava Review Nangol Noble


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
Nangol Noble is a special kava for me. As someone who is very much in tune with kava's effects, but not as sensitive to them as some are, this kava hits all the right buttons for me. With it's consistent potency and full spectrum effects profile, it leaves me wanting for nothing -- except perhaps for experiencing how perfect it must be fresh.

Speaking of fresh, the aroma of this powder seems to have a certain freshness to it. On top of it's zippy, pungent Vanuatu scent, there's an added 'floweriness' to it and slight hint of something like fresh cut grass or cilantro. It's not too dissimilar from specially processed, high quality powders, such as Nambawan or 5-Star Kava. In fact they are very similar in potency & effects as well. Up until recently Nangol Noble only cost $45 too, which probably made it the best bang-for-your-buck kava on the internet. It's only gone up a few bucks, so it's still a good deal.

The flavor can be a bit bitter and lingering, but I've come to expect that from most of the kavas that effect me this well. Good effects are apparent within minutes, boosting the effects to whatever level you choose is easy. A good strong batch will definitely hit you with a happy, floaty, swirly-headed buzz and an additional airy, loose, muscle tingling body vibe to balance things out. All this, while still feeling quite 'clean', as far as dry powders capable of this level of effects are concerned. One thing to be aware of, is that in my experience there's a possibility of a sort of 'rushy' chest sensation at high doses, anecdotally attributed to high Yangonin. It doesn't bother me, but might bother others who aren't expecting it.

Overall, Nangol Noble is among the best kavas I've ever bought online and I started buying kava back in 2003. I love it.


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Krunkie McKrunkface

Kava Connoisseur
Excellent review.

I concur with the very special aroma in the bag. Distinct and very pleasant (flowery and cut grass were definitely in there) and I also noted the freshness in the batch I got.

The flavour is intense and biter/peppery (though not bad or unpleasant, just quite powerful) and on the first few shells I had to chase with ginger beer but by the fourth or fifth shell I came to love the flavour and was sipping it slowly to savour the taste. It won me over.

As for effects, after 3 mini shots my wife went to bed and napped for an hour and had great dreams and woke up refreshed, while I kept sipping. I found it took a while to sneak up on me, but what that means is don't drink too much at first if that happens to you thinking it's weak. It is very strong Vanuatu kava, which might hit you very quickly or might take 20 - 30 min, but it will get you eventually so go gingerly in this field.

I also feel compelled to mention: it preps up a beautiful cashewy blonde grog, gorgeous to look at, like fine maple wood.

Also, because it's strong, I went light, 6 : 1 water ratio and I could have even done 7, although because of the fine grind, most will go in the first wash. I could see doing 7:1 on the first wash and 3:1 on the second, vs a more usual 5 and 4 or 6 and 4. Nothing wrong with that, just means first wash is strong.

I intend to try this in a blend with 2/3 Nangol to 1/3 Squanch lawena. Just a hunch, but I have a good feeling about the possibilities there.