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Liver test comparison

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Hi there Kava enthusiasts! I'm a lurker, but I thought this would be a good post to add to the compendium of safe Kava use. A bit of background:

Before Kava, I was a daily drinker. Not a lot, but probably between 4-6 beers at 6% each. Also, I came off of the other K herb cold turkey December 1. I'm 31 years old, plant based diet, 5'11"/172# (Well, maybe that is a lot of alcohol, looking back on it...)

Anyways, I started drinking Kava (mostly BKH, as I live in the Portland metro area) around March and eventually turned those daily beers into maybe twice a week, and only a couple beers at that. Today I had a liver panel done and the results were surprising. I've also really picked up my running from "occasionally" to 30-40 miles per week, so that may have had something to do with my overall health.

So, here for dissection is a comparison of liver tests, a couple months before Kava (lots of alcohol consumption) and after Kava (greatly reduced alcohol consumption). I hope this is helpful or reassuring in some way to those who wish to cut down their alcohol consumption with Kava as well. Thank you for this forum and the wealth of information and humor provided in the posts.

Picture of today's test is attached to this post.



Some related benefits:
  • Sleep is much improved. Kava, I sleep comfortably almost the whole night through. Alcohol would wake me up around 3AM consistently feeling awful.
  • Decreased calorie intake. ~4 beers @ 200 calories each versus 1/2 cup medium kava, prepared.
  • I can go out and do stuff with Kava if I so desire. With alcohol, I wouldn't ever drive so that limited a lot of things.
  • I can leave the Klonopin in the bottle. No need for it.
  • If I overdo the Kava, next day I just feel a bit groggy, versus an alcohol hangover which as many of us probably know is just awful.
I'm sure much of this has been discussed and debated, but I just wanted to add another account of what happens when you replace alcohol with kava for that necessary evening stress relief.


'Awa Grower/Collector
Hi there Kava enthusiasts! I'm a lurker, but I thought this would be a good post to add to the compendium of safe Kava use. A bit of background:

Before Kava, I was a daily drinker. Not a lot, but probably between 4-6 beers at 6% each. Also, I came off of the other K herb cold turkey December 1. I'm 31 years old, plant based diet, 5'11"/172# (Well, maybe that is a lot of alcohol, looking back on it...)

Anyways, I started drinking Kava (mostly BKH, as I live in the Portland metro area) around March and eventually turned those daily beers into maybe twice a week, and only a couple beers at that. Today I had a liver panel done and the results were surprising. I've also really picked up my running from "occasionally" to 30-40 miles per week, so that may have had something to do with my overall health.

So, here for dissection is a comparison of liver tests, a couple months before Kava (lots of alcohol consumption) and after Kava (greatly reduced alcohol consumption). I hope this is helpful or reassuring in some way to those who wish to cut down their alcohol consumption with Kava as well. Thank you for this forum and the wealth of information and humor provided in the posts.

Picture of today's test is attached to this post.

Thank you! Very good information.

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
I'm sure my liver is in pretty bad shape. I've had malaria seven times and the medication that treats it is supposed to be pretty tough on the liver. I've also had some pretty crazy runs with palm wine in the African bush. I bet drinking Kava probably helps, since I never feel the need to drink beer and wine when I have Kava around.
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