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Powdered Kava Review Kula Kava Powder


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
Kula is nice, easy Tongan kava that offers functional relaxation and headiness. It's very even keeled. This isn't the kind of heady kava that blasts you into the stratosphere or puts you slightly on edge, this is a softened headiness that leans a little toward 'recliner' zone, but it's not a strong, forceful body/muscle sedation like you'd find in a heavy or equally balanced kava. The sedation, like the headiness, seems to be stemming more from the mind than throughout the body, which is why I call it a 'functional' relaxation.

The flavor and scent are pretty straight-forward Polynesian style kava, relatively mild, earth, wood and slightly creamy. Not quite as creamy as those peeled Tongan "white" kavas, but still, the peppery bitterness is greatly reduced. The grind is a standard medium grind, medium brown/tan color. Likely a pretty solid mix of lawena with the root.

The first shell gently perks my mood up and makes me enjoy silly, light-hearted conversation. Not with any notable buzzed sensation, but just in a natural way. The 2nd & 3rd shells would start to tickle me with the buzz and put me in that 'lay back and smile' mode. 4th-6th shells increase all the vibes a little and can begin to give you hints of nearing Krunk Tower. But I never fully ascended. By the end of the experience, when the headiness is wearing thin and the more sedative lactones have built up, I fall asleep nearly instantaneously. No side effects, relatively easy on the stomach and easier to shake off in the morning compared to my usual varieties. This kava excels at being an anxiolytic without being forceful. Probably great for people who want anxiety relief without being completely taken over.

Noble AF

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