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Powdered Kava Review Koniak


Kava Curious
{"Grade":8,"Potency":10,"Mind":8,"Body":10,"Anxiety":6,"Sedative":10,"Taste":"-5","Preparation":"1/3 of a cup, 4 cups of water, Soaked an hour and a half then squeezed 10 mins, chilled.","Duration":"","SideEffects":"","Headline":"A creeper for sure."}
A creeper for sure. First shell hmm, second shell still hmm, third shell oh boy. Not sure if its considered an isa but its a bit more euphoric than other Isas. Not on a noble level but it seems like a good kavain ratio in there. Also very sedating, would love to blend this with nambawan. This is not one to play around with. weekend for sure. Although next day isn't bad and is fact nice provided you don't have immediate responsibilities. Also a very dream like kava, a good one to session alone and ponder life to music.
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