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Kavasutra opens up a location in NYC's East Village

Steve Mariotti

Kavapithecus Krunkarensis
Review Maestro

A flurry of activity at 261 East 10th Street last week signaled the arrival ofKavasutra, a 10-seat bar serving tea made with kava root, which promises relaxation without the incapacitating properties of alcohol or the mental fuzziness of marijuana. “The kava root is dried, ground and mixed with water. The result is a relaxing and euphoria drink that elevates the senses and has a number of wonderful health benefits,” says the Kavasutra website.​


I'm interested in things
It certainly is possible, since people who are morons are usually not aware of the fact that they are morons. This calls for a great deal of introspection and self-examination. Even then we might erroneously conclude that we are not morons, and that we know something about kava.


Certified Noble
@verticity - I think that discussion should continue in the Friday thread ;)

@Kavasutra - we did have a bitof criticism from the info we read. We do really welcome vendors, and like to see what you have to say. Please let us know if we have judged you unfairly.


Bula To Eternity
What is everyone's problem?? Kavasutra is my favorite position. (Well maybe right after 69 or being able to lick like a dog :))

@Kavasutra Welcome to the forum, ignore these guys if all they want to do is criticize instead of civil discussion.
