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Impressions on new batch of Solomon Island

kl.JerZ Gurl

Kava Curious
Hey Everyone,

I took the advice of some on this blog, I tried the Solomon Island a few days ago, and I really liked it. Felt mellow and relaxed. The taste reminds me of Stone. I usually drink it with bottled water and nothing else. Maybe Im wierd, but I like the taste.

Thanks for sharing your info on Solomon!


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
JerZ Gurl said:
Hey Everyone,

I took the advice of some on this blog, I tried the Solomon Island a few days ago, and I really liked it. Felt mellow and relaxed. The taste reminds me of Stone. I usually drink it with bottled water and nothing else. Maybe Im wierd, but I like the taste.

Thanks for sharing your info on Solomon!
Nope, you're not weird at all. 90% of the time all I use is water to. I'm drinking a Hawaiian Kava right now made with just water. It's an acquired taste.

kl.JerZ Gurl

Kava Curious
Hey Vekta,

LOL. Good to know I'm not weird.  BTW, I'm going to order some Hawaiian Kava this weekend. (smiley: roll)You guys have not steered me wrong yet.


Kava Curious
For all you Solomon lovers out there, be sure to order it ASAP, Nakamal just posted this message a week ago:


Attention Valued Customers, Unfortunately, due to increase in pricing in the Solomon and Tongan Islands, this is our final batch of Solomon and Tongan Kava. Whatever we have available will be it until further notice. We apologize for any inconvenience. Please contact us if you have any questions. Buy your kava today! :) Thank you for choosing Nakamal at Home! Bula! -Nakamal at Home Team


Kava Enthusiast
Van3 gone and soon will be Solomon.... We might have to organize a kava search, each person taking on a new vendor.


Kava Curious
The recent batch of Solomon is not great eh?  I just ordered some too :/ Along with some Tongan (I'm Canadian; used a forwarding service) I'm brand new to Kava, and I figured once I become accustomed to Kava's influence I'd give the more powerful powders a shot.  Just wanted to sample some of the infamous SI before it was gone too.  I'm sure it will still blow me away LOL

Good luck with your search guys!  I'll be watching and waiting patiently .. (smiley: happy)


Kava Curious
Made a 2cup kava to 6 cup coconut water mixture with lecithin last Friday night. Drank it with my boys on the deck all eve and everyone was happy and chillin'. Took it down to San Diego with me for the weekend and kept drinking it all weekend, while everyone else drank beers. Agree though after a weekend of drinking it, it made me a bit cranky. Downed water like mad on Sunday, thinking it might be dehydration from the diaretic properties.

Taste wise - pretty peppery, but I liked the body.


I received my order of Solomon Islands Kava last week, I just got into it tonight. I only bought 1/4 kilogram and am kinda glad that's all I got. I made it 1 cup kava 4 cups water and, man, you guys weren't kidding when you said it was a high stimulating kava. Upon onset, my heart stepped up its game and so did my anxiety. I handled it fine, as I've always been the type to be able to control myself under unexpected experiences. It just seems like such a paradoxical response. I ended up putting the last shell in the fridge cause my anxiety just flew through the roof. Not to mention I my skin was on full alert, everything and anything that touched me, even slightly, tickled beyond belief to where it was nearly excruciating. Kind of like when your foot falls asleep, and then once it starts to wake up you get those pleasant yet not so pleasant pins and needles feeling. Not sure what was up with that experience. I did drink the three shells on completely empty stomach, I'm sure that had a lot to do with it. Those effects only lasted for about 15 minutes, and then followed the usual kava buzz I've come to know.

Maybe I have never reached that certain level of krunkness, and due to the surprise, I didn't know how to return to baseline properly. It was an experience I'll give it that, but not an experience that I'm looking for in a kava. I will try again sometime and post here.


Kava Curious
rcoz said:
synapitk, I haven't been disappointed by the second bath, I like it.
*Getting Excited!!* (smiley: roll)

Thanks for the reassurance, rcoz!  I'm glad I'm getting a chance to try some.


Kava Enthusiast
This is probably all my fault, but the first batch of SI that I made the night it arrived, was great! Felt the effects really nicely even considering that i don't think i had much reverse tolerence built up yet.

And then I've made it 2 times since then and have felt absolutely nothing except just relaxed and carefree. no stimulating effects, and not extra focus, no temporary "high" like from weed feeling that i got the first time.

My preparations have been identical each time, as far as I can tell... in fact i even prepared it more and did a kneading and a blending on the second two times.

so what could cause such a difference in effects? I can't say its lack of reverse tolerance, because i felt it the first time and not the next two times.

also, yes i took on empty stomach.


Kava Curious
Well, well, well... I received my Tongan and Soloman today.. My tolerance is still high (I've only been using my instant kava for the last few days) but I bit the bullet and decided to sample some SI after the Tongan pretty much only made me tired. Hopefully it will improve in time. But the SI has proven to be WONDERFUL. Very relaxing and an extremely pleasant head buzz. It also is giving me an urge to get up and do something at the same time. All anxieties and worries have washed away. This Kava could be very useful as an alcohol replacement. Beautiful stuff.

I was concerned that it would be too potent for a newcomer such as myself, but has proven to be just right, and just what I was looking for! Thanks N@H!


Kava Enthusiast
Let me know how the 2nd the 3rd sessions go. Im sure you are feeling the same that I was feeling the first time i tried it but the next two times were not so good... btw I'm going to try it again tonight and really pay attention to how i make it.


Kava Curious
I'll definitely let you know how the next sessions go, stars. What I'm feeling now sounds very similar to what you described in your first attempt. So strange that the heady effects have disappeared for you :/

I made my brew with two heaping tbsp of kava to two cups of lukewarm water with 1/4 tsp of lecithin. Kneaded for about 7-8 minutes. My next session I'll be sure to make it exactly the same way and compare results. I'll keep you posted.


Kava Curious
My first batch of the SI produced too much of a head buzz, like that point when you have too many shots of alcohol. I almost felt like my ears were ringing. It mellowed out after an hour. I used 6 tablespoons for 3-4 cups of water, so it may have been too strong. There must be some sort of tolerance effect because my subsequent batches were much more subdued and pleasant.

I guess I need to appreciate the varying effects of different kavas more, SI definitely produces more of a stimulating mind buzz. I think I prefer the body relaxation effect of tudei or hiwa.