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How much is too much?


Kava Curious
I find myself drinking Kava every day. Not sure if any of you do that often or not.

Probably should take a break. Anyone else worry about that?


I've been drinking kava every day for about six months and plan on continuing to drink it daily, I don't worry about it at all. If you feel like you should take a break then maybe it is time for you to do so. You could also try drinking kava just a few times a week. Everybody's going to have a different idea of what is too much so you probably need to go with your gut on this one.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
Consuming kava daily for going on 8 years now. Still kicking, haven't gone crazy, anxiety is non-existent in my life which causes it's own little interesting situations. You'll find those odd situations where you SHOULD have anxiety, and you don't. If you're anything like I used to be that tends to lean more towards the good category since when faced with pressure and anxiety I usually would make bad decisions based out of selfishness. Now even under pressure I can calmly make decisions that are more based in reality than knee jerk misplaced self preservation.


Kava Curious
Appreciate the replies. I think in my case, i worry about it being like alcohol - my alcohol consumption was getting out of control before I was turned on to this, and I don't want to feel like I *need* Kava every day. Truth is, I enjoy it, and I look forward to it every day. I don't become a jerk, do stupid things, etc etc like with alcohol. Certainly not hurting anyone - in fact, I think my family enjoys being around me more when I'm chill. I guess I just don't want to feel dependent on it.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
The one truly beautiful thing I've discovered about kava is that even though I do drink it daily I never find myself craving it. If I had to narrow down why I drink kava it would be for the lingering aftereffects. I believe Vekta describes it perfectly as a "shield effect". It shields you from all the unnecessary anxiety and stress we often needlessly suffer from, while still allowing you to go on carrying out the required tasks of daily life. I suggest everyone give it a try when they ask me about it. Thing is, nobody here has even heard of kava. Good ole Nashville. Home of country music and booze...and moonshine.


Yeah.scampo this bothers me alot but iam a recovering addict so thats prob why.I find myself stareing at a cabniet full of kava thinking I should take a break . Then i say no way buckle and make some or i tell myself ok just tonight ill start my break tomorrow then i dont i soak and squeeze.However this is me iam sure it will run its course and my body will tell me. So dont worry its just kava its all good:D


The only time I've really had an experience with this was after a few months of daily (or near-daily) use. I started to get the kava dermopathy and decided to stop.

That day, I made food in my kitchen, giving no thought to the bags of kava next to my granola. Of course, I wished that I had some for my troubles sleeping and anxiety (for which is the primary reason I use kava), but I had no cravings. There was no withdrawal, no craving and no obtrusive/repetitive thoughts about kava.

I wholeheartedly believe that kava is not addictive. In fact, it has been shown to have anti-craving effects.

Sure, you can gain a psychological dependence on it (as in, depending on it to help you sleep), but we all develop psychological dependencies on countless things we all take for granted in our daily lives. Television, cell phones, internet, transportation, human interaction, money, etc. Take away any of those things and I'm betting, you will have a much more difficult time than taking away kava.

I too am in recovery, and I would have to go out on a limb and say that if you can't stop even when you want, the kava is using you. The old adage of "I didn't want to use, but I did" that shows some sort of addiction... I would be concerned with that, although I've never had that experience.

Just my 2 cents


Yeah.scampo this bothers me alot but iam a recovering addict so thats prob why.I find myself stareing at a cabniet full of kava thinking I should take a break . Then i say no way buckle and make some or i tell myself ok just tonight ill start my break tomorrow then i dont i soak and squeeze.However this is me iam sure it will run its course and my body will tell me. So dont worry its just kava its all good:D
I am a recovering addict as well. I spent over two decades hopelessly and physically addicted to opiates, benzos and alcohol. For BUIABUCK and scampo, I think you just need to be honest with yourselves and do a risk/benefit analysis of your using kava. If it is beneficial to you yet you feel the old adictive behaviors and addictive thinking creeping up, it would seem to me that the risk might outweigh the benefit. If you are stressing about wanting to stop but can't, again it seems the kava may be doing more harm than good. Kava is supposed to relieve anxiety, not cause it.

I can tell you this though, kava is so not physically addictive its almost a joke. While I drink it everyday, I don't when I have to work doubles or have some function to go to or something. On those days I don't miss it at all. This is coming from a guy who can get addicted to anything if it feels good.

Best of luck to you guys, I hope you can do a little soul searching and figure everything out.


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
I've wondered about this myself. I haven't taken a voluntary break so far, but I have stopped due to surgery and severe dry lips. I definitely understand not wanting to be dependent on the kava. In the end I don't really have an answer for you, sorry :(


How much is too much? I would say when you've lost self-control and your use of a substance keeps you from doing what you really want in life or being who you really want to be. When you become a double-minded person and you are no longer living in a way that aligns with your values.
For me, Kava has really helped me with some recent anxiety and insomnia issues. I don't use it every day, but most days and I can tell when my anxiety level is such that it's time to chill out a little and have some Kava. It's more medicine than recreation for me. That is, it allows me to live a better life and manage the stresses I do have rather than preventing me from a life I want to live.

Kojo Douglas

The Kavasseur
The one truly beautiful thing I've discovered about kava is that even though I do drink it daily I never find myself craving it. If I had to narrow down why I drink kava it would be for the lingering aftereffects. I believe Vekta describes it perfectly as a "shield effect". It shields you from all the unnecessary anxiety and stress we often needlessly suffer from, while still allowing you to go on carrying out the required tasks of daily life. I suggest everyone give it a try when they ask me about it. Thing is, nobody here has even heard of kava. Good ole Nashville. Home of country music and booze...and moonshine.
Right. Kava for me was like an anti-anxiety switch that, once I turned it on, never really came back. I used to have pretty severe anxiety. I even went to see a psychiatrist and they wanted me to go on Xanax (this was some 16 or 17 years ago). Instead, I went to the "natural pharmacy" at the health food store where I was a cashier. After trying a bunch of crappy herbs that didn't do anything, I finally gave Kava a shot. It was the "Kava King" tin that was basically an instant Kava. It immediately worked for me.

Deleted User01

I haven't seen @Vekta in a long time but I do remember when he used to say, "Shields Up". I'm sure my wife would get a kick otta me doing kava and saying "Shields Up" right before I walk into a party thrown by the in-laws.


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
My wife has come round to the idea of me drinking kava now, probably as she has seen that it just makes me docile and smiley :)


Aluballin' in the UK
Kava Vendor
It's kava time here and I just don't know which kava to have. I've got a lot of loose ones hanging around from my trial and error days, I could try something obscure that I haven't had in a while.