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Micronized Kava Review Borongoru - Micronized


I won an 8 ounce jar of this in the first 2016 giveaway, and decided to save it to try on a weekend. I tried it this past Sunday, April 3, 2016.

Let me start out by saying it's definitely a Sunday kava. Don't imbibe this if you have to drive, as it's a pretty heavy "body kava," in that it makes you so relaxed, so utterly calm, that the concept of driving - or doing anything else that requires attention - is totally absurd.

With that said, this is an awesome kava for "relaxation time." I'd only ever tried one other micronized, so I wasn't too sure about this one (although the micronized I did try was pretty awesome - again, thank you, @Kimmer ). I mixed one tablespoon of the borongoru with 8 ounces of coconut milk, a teaspoon of cocoa powder, and some Stevia in the Raw. I drank half right away, and drank the other half in 20 minutes.

I felt immediate effects from the first drink. Mouth numb, throat numb, ringing in the ears, and an amazing body relaxation that I'd never felt before up until now. As I keep saying, the effects of awa are very hard to describe, but my muscles relaxed enough that the chronic pain in my back and neck were pretty much unnoticeable. I was completely relaxed, but clear-headed, able to focus but not obsessing about things. I drank the second half about 20 minutes after the first, then went to meditate. The Om was within me, that''s the only way I can describe it. I was totally able to focus on the Om without worrying about my breathing, and I reached a level that I've never reached before, in terms of relaxation and focus. It was amazing. Also, after about 15 minutes, sitting in a lotus position, my back starts to noodge me with pain and stiffness; that didn't happen, my muscles stayed relaxed and I was able to complete a 45 minute meditation session without having to shift positions.

After my meditation, I decided to color for a while. The colors called me (no, it's not like "tripping" at all, that's not what I mean). They seemed to blend on their own, as if I were in tune with the color wheel, and I didn't really need to put any thought into what colors to choose; they kind of chose themselves. When I was done coloring, I cooked a major meal (for 12 people): Chicken Florentine crepes, pasta with garlic and olive oil, and Caesar salad. Once again, I felt in tune with my ingredients, and the cooking went really well (although I have to say, I love cooking anyway).

This is a great, heavy kava for days that you don't have to GO anywhere. I would imagine it's great in social situations, although I would have to warn against driving after taking it. I was pretty chill, and I can't imagine getting behind the wheel after a shell or two, although everyone is different. Great job, @Kalm with Kava . I'm definitely going to be ordering this one.