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5th night drinking Kava still no effects :(


Kava Curious
I don't get it, the last time I tried Kava, the third night I had some effects and rather strong as well. It was Vanuatu kava powder.Now I'm using Boroguru. This moring I tried 3tbsp in 1 1/2 cup of water and kneaded for 10mins. Nothing.Tonight I'm drinking 6tbsp in about 2 1/2-3 cups of water and massaged for 6mins.
Any tips on getting it over faster?


Kava Curious
Well I must say that I did get some effects yesterday, although, those weren't the ones I was looking for.

I was nauseated, too much Kava LOL

But I haven't gotten any anxiety relief yet...if anything it makes me more anxious...

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
I've found the anxiolytic effect builds as you consume kava. Yes, it's good at easing social anxiety on the spot, but in general terms its cumulative effect is far more powerful than the short term.


Kava Enthusiast
Sunny, i dont know that i would recommend boroguru for anxiety, its mostly a muscle relaxer.

i'm a little krunked right now and cant think of which kavas are good for anxiety, maybe check the medicinal forum section


Kava Curious
Thing is that I already had the FULL Effects (or what I believe to be the full effects) of Kava...which was very nice relaxation and awesome muscle relaxant properties. (best thing I've tried so far as a muscle relaxer)

But somehow I'm not even getting the muscle relaxant effects...

I'm also pretty sure that what I had gotten was a Vanuatu strain with 100% lateral roots...


Kava Lover
The thing with kava is sometimes just when you think you've experienced the full potential, WHAM! It smacks you in the face


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
I use boroguru for social anxiety and it works very well...for me. Like most things in the kava world your mileage may vary. It's a trial and error thing.


Kava Curious
you might have to press through the nausea. what makes you throw up today will be a piece of cake tomorrow.

the nausea is just your body saying "yo, wtf is this? this stuff has psychoactive properties, no way! stop! STOP!"

little does it know that you, your mind, you know it has psychoactive properties. & you WANT them!