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  1. bluemoonkava

    This is horrendous advertising

    Yup a shocker
  2. kasa_balavu

    Seeking input from kava-lovers on new concept!

    That depends. Would you be willing to publish the results of your research here after you're done?
  3. The Kap'n

    I Love Kava Friday Friday. No doubt.

    That's right, kava lovers. Another Friday! I hope the weekend is excellent, and stay relaxed out there! Bula/Malok!
  4. The Kap'n

    This is horrendous advertising

    This disclaimer is now included in one of the largest distributors in the country regarding even just powdered products. When I say "included" I mean they fold up a piece of paper and jam it off into the powder itself. I don't really feel like I need to say any more, as the disclaimer above...
  5. Groggy

    This is horrendous advertising

    Yup make no mistake, if your goal is to use kraptom for all the false promises they make, expect to become addicted to kraptom and experience withdrawals equal to or worse than heroin, suboxone, (insert past opiate of choice here), you are screwed. Let's also not forget the countless young lives...
  6. The Kap'n

    This is horrendous advertising

    Believe it or not, this one isn't even close to the worst one. If you really want to catch fire, search "Feel Free" here on kavaforums.
  7. kilakila

    This is horrendous advertising

    First off on the ad that popped up on IG, the woman sounds totally drugged up. Click on the shop now link and you get to This shot of joy is kava and “ketum” which turns out surprisingly to be another name for K@. Not good. Not good at all...
  8. Alia

    Seeking input from kava-lovers on new concept!

    Yes, thank you , I understand the rationale better now.
  9. The Kap'n

    Seeking input from kava-lovers on new concept!

    Okay, that's interesting. Thank you for explaining that!
  10. S

    Seeking input from kava-lovers on new concept!

    Thanks for this input - I am aware that there are several existing instant kava products and am interested in understanding which product and brand features are most interesting to potential customers within this category. The survey method I am using is called a conjoint analysis and works by...
  11. Alia

    Seeking input from kava-lovers on new concept!

    As pointed out by Admin. there is a product currently available that's something like what you describe. It is an excellent product and there is likely room for more similar products. I scrolled through the survey link you provided and have to say it is hard to understand how the question...
  12. Groggy

    Seeking input from kava-lovers on new concept!

    Something like that already exists.
  13. S

    Seeking input from kava-lovers on new concept!

    I am doing some research as part of a grad school class to explore interest in a kava beverage in a single-serve stick/sachet. I've gotten a lot of input from people new to kava but would love to hear from those who drink kava regularly to help inform brand and product positioning. Would you be...
  14. The Kap'n

    Kava Fact of the Day B_Max & Upregulation of GABA Receptors?

    Honestly I think we're mostly on the same page. I've been eyeing this one spot for a while, and the gabapentin correlation struck me by physically consuming it. Took me by surprise. It would be really valuable to have studies directly measuring kavain in human cerebrospinal fluid to confirm...
  15. J


    No matter whether I’m using medium grind or anything else, I rarely get the right amount. I don’t think I can have kava in my life. Would anyone like to buy the better part of a kg of 30% extract that I got from KD? It’s high quality but I keep having the same problem. It’s either too much or...
  16. S

    Kava Fact of the Day B_Max & Upregulation of GABA Receptors?

    Nothing to apologize about. For the record, I'm a huge proponent of kava. I believe that individual kavalactones may hold promise for specific things in the same way that in the aggregate they do things that they don't do individually. Personally, I believe If the upregulation extends across...
  17. S

    Kava Fact of the Day B_Max & Upregulation of GABA Receptors?

    Because lipophilic substances are lipophilic substances. But I will do the math for an actual organ distribution study in mice of kavain. Mice were given an injection of 7 mg per kilogram. Since a mouse is 025 kg, that's equivalent to 175 micrograms total kavain. The concentration of kavain...
  18. The Kap'n

    Kava Fact of the Day B_Max & Upregulation of GABA Receptors?

    Why should we go by the pharmacokinetics of methamphetamine? and I do mean that respectfully, because I really like the questions you’re uncovering. I apologize if I came across as overly assertive. Defending kava for so many years has hardened that part of my behavior.
  19. S

    Kava Fact of the Day B_Max & Upregulation of GABA Receptors?

    Firstly, I believe that some currents were elicited at 100 υM. Respectfully, there's about 150 mL of cerebro spinal fluid. And remember that's all we have to make 300 micromolar because the receptors are on the outside of the cells. They're exposed to the cerebrospinal fluid. We don't have to...
  20. Bubba Bula

    I Love Kava Friday Wouldn't you just look at that...

    Fun little bugs. :)