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What's your favorite heady kava?


Kava Enthusiast
I like to blend my kavas, mixing a strong body kava with a decent heady one. The body type seems pretty easy to find, and I have several go-to kavas in my fridge that fit that bill right now. I'm out of decent heady types though, and the ones I have tried aren't going to be go-to kavas for me for one reason or another. Any favorites out there that I just have to try?


Nambawan is pretty much my favorite at the moment and I find it's heady, but not like other heady kavas like SI of Fu'u that can sometimes make me a little too uplifted (and anxious/restless).

I don't know if other people have the same experience with Nambawan, but it's very heady for me without a ton of muscle relaxation and 'couch lock'. I find it's just pure mental relaxation and bliss without a lot of sedation. The craziest heady kava I've ever had was Solomons, but that a totally different experience that I usually don't want.

The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
I second infrareds suggestion. Nambawan for sure. I'd also suggest Paradise Hawaiian Awa for headiness, but it's a strong kavain kava, so if you're less sensitive to it you may be disappointed.


Kava Enthusiast
Nambawan was one of my mixers, and it is one of my favs. All out now but maybe I'll pick up some more. I didn't really find it all that heady though. For me Fu'u had a stronger head effect, but overall it's weaker because it's not as balanced.

I also liked Kava Kauai's Vanuatu kava for it's head effect, but when I drink it I become a disgusting skin monster... skin flakes flying off my body as I walk, onlookers aghast.


I love how kavagurl and I are basically cheerleaders for Nambawan :p

I agree that it doesn't hit you over the head like some other heady kavas, but I like that about it. It just goes straight to your head in such a gentle way, washing away any stress and anxiety but still leaving you alert and not foggy.


❦ॐ tanuki tamer
I feel kind of silly jumping in just to agree with everyone else, but Nambawan is the best. Although I'm also partial to a glass of BKH instant after drinking my normal kava, or some Paradise extract if I'm feeling very rich.
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