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What is the best kava strain for spirituality?

Hello, I have tried kava twice before and have liked the results. I feel that Kava helps me connect with my more spiritual side.

I was just wondering if there is a specific strain of kava that people use for spirituality.

By spirituality I mean feeling at peace with yourself and the world around you, knowing that nature is just as beautiful as yourself.

i'm not talking about just being calm, i'm talking about enhanced (or creative) thinking and perception, or feeling more appreciation for 

something (like music, art, or yourself).

Andrew Procyk

Noble Kava
Kava Vendor
Generally, on Tanna island, Marang-Marang is used for ceremonial purposes, whereas the Ahouia (Karolik) is used more for social drinking - at the end of a typical day at the village nakamal. Pia is used for reconciliation purposes.

Each island has its cultivars, and each village will use the kava cultivar that is most readily available to them for their needs - so I guess it depends on what island you wind up. those with multiple cultivars have ascribed a typical use to each over time.
