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Powdered Kava Review Vanuatu Regular Grind


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
Gourmet Hawaiian Kava - Vanuatu 'Borogu' - Medium Grind

I always have a hard time doing the rankings, since the numbers could change a bit from day to day and depending on the dosage etc... Plus I've almost always been incapable of feeling the full euphoric effect of Kavain that most others can achieve. Anyway, here are a few more details about this kava...

1st off, it had a very nice scent. Very much on the buttery/creamy side with a nice background of earthy root. It was probably the most resin filled root I've ever squeezed, it was very slick and took a bit more time to squeeze the fibers dry. The resulting brew was also the most yellow I've ever had. The taste was a medium bitterness/earthiness and surprisingly not as buttery as the scent hinted at.

I deliberately made the batch fairly strong and made a tiny 2nd & 3rd wash to try and get the most from the experience as possible in one night. The 1st shell or 2 quickly get me into a more contented frame of mind, with a gentle sense of sedation with it. 3rd/4th shell gets a noticeable smirk on my face, increases sedation (without pushiness) and begins to get me slightly off balance along with some looseness in my eyes & neck. Drinking my extra wash plus eating a small sandwich increased these effects even more. At this point I had to turn off the TV and felt very happy just laying down in the dim lighting listening to song after song...this is what happens when/if I get 'all the way there'.

I've never had any Borogu root before to compare this to, but, this was definitely capable of being stronger than what I was expecting according to what I've read about Borogu in the past. Some things I personally noticed about this cultivar/chemotype were that 1) although it offers plenty of sedation and ease of sleep, it lets you stay awake longer without forcing you to sleep. 2) It may have a bit more Kavain than strains that have given me a similar experience to this. 3) Although this turned out to be a pretty strong experience, it almost left my muscles completely untouched. (other than my eyes & neck) In my experience kavas that feel like this usually come with the full muscle-melt and a slight increase in tactile sensitivity. Even at the high end of the experience that didn't change much. ...this is not a complaint, merely an observation about this particular plant.

All in all, very enjoyable experience and mahalo @Gourmet Hawaiian Kava for the free sample.

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