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van3 Sept 2011 Vintage


Kava Enthusiast
Had my first taste of the new vintage last night.  I wasn't disappointed.  Can't wait till tonight,  as you know, kava on the consecutive days are better.

Anyone else try the new batch?  Opinions?


Kava Curious
I got my 2 in the mail this morning. A very nice distinctly 'Vanuatu' aroma (I guess it's the soil over there) and the kava is a little bit more potent than the stuff I got last year, there's total mouth numbing effect from this stuff.

I have a feeling the first and second crops are the most desirable.


Kava Enthusiast
Since kava of the same name/brand quality varies from batch to batch, I needed a term to use... 'vintage' seemed appropriate.


Kava Curious
Just tried it today and it was not bad, a very fine consistency so be sure to use the appropriate strainer.  But I'll reserve judgment until tomorrow, I completely agree that you never get the complete effects of a kava until at least two consecutive days.  
Note: the website says that only 10 lbs. remain in stock and they require an email to place an order, so order before it's gone!


Ah man, I'll probably miss out on this batch. I don't have any more kava money in my budget 'till next month heh


Kava Enthusiast
Wow, that went fast. Rex says another shipment is coming in at the end of the month. Kava Royale is a good substitute.


Kava Curious
if you think it would get through from the USA, I'll mail you a pound of van3 for the cost of postage. cause, you introduced me to these kavas and I'd like to say thanks.