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Powdered Kava Review Solomon Island Kava


Kava Curious
I didn't let this soak quite as long as normal due to the ants in my pants to try this product out for the first time. The taste was surprisingly mild and didn't have massive numbing properties like Fu'u or some others do. But the numbing that did occur came on slowly after I was finished drinking.

I put the powder in a knee high stocking and kneaded it in the water this way for about five minutes before pouring the liquid through another clean stocking before drinking. There was quite a bit of fine sediment that the second stocking caught, so don't know if maybe I should of let some of this remain in the concoction. Next time I may leave a little more of this for a stronger effect.

Over all it was a pleasant drinking experience and came on somewhat creeper in my opinion. Very little sedative effects to this one but quite calming on the mind and muscles. But I certainly don't feel like crashing out, very alert.

This seems to be a great daytime kava as my mind still seems quite sharp if not sharper than before. All anxiety seems to of been washed away now that 30 minutes or so has passed since the second shell.

The Euphoric effects don't seem overpowering to me but would probably be quite a bit more with a stronger mix. But I like to start light on a new product so I can dissect it in my mind, a way of feeling out my dosage in other words.

Definitely a great batch and can't wait to calculate my adjustments and dive in for another go with Solomon. Bula! :D
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Bula To Eternity
I'm trying to beef up the number of reviews for N@H. If you don't mind could you reply to this with a shell rating for your review, so I can convert it to the new format? 1 shell is lowest and 5 shells is highest.
