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Sinus/ear infection and Kava


Kava Enthusiast
Hey guys, I have a wicked ear infection that led into a sinus infection, now its making its way to my chest.I dont know if you've had a bad sinus infection before but it really sucks. I took kava and it worked amazing, alleviated almost all of the symptoms.My only concern is how much kava dehydrates you. When you have an infection like this you are supposed to drink large amounts of fluids to help fight off the infection.I noticed that even with drinking large amounts of water that the kava still dehydrated me, I'm almost wondering if it was causing more body aches than normal since i was so dehydrated.My question is, do you think in this situation that kava could have a negative effect on the healing process?


Kava Lover
Hmm hard to say. I personally live by a philosophy that I like to call "Screw It" but that isn't always medically safe. Hopefully NDG will chime in