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Powdered Kava Review Part II of review of Bula kava by 'Yaqona', sold on Amazon.ca.


Kava Curious
This is a continuation from my Amazon review as there is a 400 word limit there.

I use Piper methysticum as a self-medication for insomnia and anxiety. Basically, it helps me sleep, although if I have over-indulged I have had several side effects (poor vision, unbalance, mildly upset stomach, etc). I am testing reviving my previous kava habit and new/established suppliers after a ten+- year absence using any kava. Previously, I experimented with multiple sources, usually drinking the cheapest Fijian kava purchased locally in Surrey, Canada (from one Fijian retail business, the rest apparently thought I was a spy from law enforcement), plus costlier 'tudei' kava from online companies. I never understood Health Canada's interference in this mild substance since much more dangerous synthetic products are sold and consumed openly in Downtown Eastside.

I stopped using kava when my non-luxury priced home supply ran out and the retail price tripled. Since then it has *quadrupled* compared to 2009, plus the international foreign currency exchange of CAD has fallen precipitously from my side. I blame the market price being not so affordable anymore primarily on economic and natural factors, a) kava has become too popular (supply and demand); b) severe weather in Micronesia (and Polynesia?); c) COVID supply chain issues. I have no idea if and when there will be a price correction, perhaps when others also start using Scutellaria lateriflora and Humulus lupus as alternatives sleep aides.

My problems with the scullcap and hops is that the first works best if grown at home and harvested at a particular time and way (dried arieal parts as a tisane just isn't at all as effective) and the latter is also costly per gm, albeit tastier! Plus, kava works better and frankly I enjoy the pleasant 'buzz'. I do not drink alcohol and am a rare user of cannabis (despite marijuana, with significant restrictions, being 100% legal in Canada, along with only one other country - Uruguay. I am talking federally). I prefer kava to cannabis because the physical and mental effects are much milder. I never feel 'blasted' with kava (just very, very relaxed) and I see only two 'advantages' to cannabis - it's aphrodisical and orixigenic effects.

My method of kava preparation...

Step 1: inspect package - well-sealed
Step 2: seive all content and save larger bits for other medium (e.g. alcohol or oil)
Step 3: set aside 3 generous tablespoons (sort-of heaping)
Step 4: let dust settle!
Step 5: put kava powder into straining bag
Step 6: add cool water (I forgot that very warm is better) X4 glasses
Step 7: add shotglass of canned coconut milk to bag
Step 8: tie bag tight but with contents loose (lots of space inside)
Step 9: submerge bag for o
70 minutes
Step 10: add a glass of hot water, resulting in tepid instead of cool water (low room temperature where I am)
Step11: slowly hand-knead in its water for 30 minutes
Step 12: drink a few mouthfuls and wait 15 minutes (out of an abundance of caution)

Note: I have not been compensated in any way for this forthcoming critique of this Vanuatu kava product sold in Canada. I paid out of my own pocket. My primary motivations to order from Yaqone were a) no potential CBSA issues; and b) speed of delivery. My previous mail order supplier (Root of the Matter) on Vancouver Island in BC seems to be out of the kava business.

If several persons post replies suggesting further interest I can post my experiences with Bula kava.


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Kava aficionado
This is a continuation from my Amazon review as there is a 400 word limit there.

I use Piper methysticum as a self-medication for insomnia and anxiety. Basically, it helps me sleep, although if I have over-indulged I have had several side effects (poor vision, unbalance, mildly upset stomach, etc). I am testing reviving my previous kava habit and new/established suppliers after a ten+- year absence using any kava. Previously, I experimented with multiple sources, usually drinking the cheapest Fijian kava purchased locally in Surrey, Canada (from one Fijian retail business, the rest apparently thought I was a spy from law enforcement), plus costlier 'tudei' kava from online companies. I never understood Health Canada's interference in this mild substance since much more dangerous synthetic products are sold and consumed openly in Downtown Eastside.

I stopped using kava when my non-luxury priced home supply ran out and the retail price tripled. Since then it has *quadrupled* compared to 2009, plus the international foreign currency exchange of CAD has fallen precipitously from my side. I blame the market price being not so affordable anymore primarily on economic and natural factors, a) kava has become too popular (supply and demand); b) severe weather in Micronesia (and Polynesia?); c) COVID supply chain issues. I have no idea if and when there will be a price correction, perhaps when others also start using Scutellaria lateriflora and Humulus lupus as alternatives sleep aides.

My problems with the scullcap and hops is that the first works best if grown at home and harvested at a particular time and way (dried arieal parts as a tisane just isn't at all as effective) and the latter is also costly per gm, albeit tastier! Plus, kava works better and frankly I enjoy the pleasant 'buzz'. I do not drink alcohol and am a rare user of cannabis (despite marijuana, with significant restrictions, being 100% legal in Canada, along with only one other country - Uruguay. I am talking federally). I prefer kava to cannabis because the physical and mental effects are much milder. I never feel 'blasted' with kava (just very, very relaxed) and I see only two 'advantages' to cannabis - it's aphrodisical and orixigenic effects.

My method of kava preparation...

Step 1: inspect package - well-sealed
Step 2: seive all content and save larger bits for other medium (e.g. alcohol or oil)
Step 3: set aside 3 generous tablespoons (sort-of heaping)
Step 4: let dust settle!
Step 5: put kava powder into straining bag
Step 6: add cool water (I forgot that very warm is better) X4 glasses
Step 7: add shotglass of canned coconut milk to bag
Step 8: tie bag tight but with contents loose (lots of space inside)
Step 9: submerge bag for o
70 minutes
Step 10: add a glass of hot water, resulting in tepid instead of cool water (low room temperature where I am)
Step11: slowly hand-knead in its water for 30 minutes
Step 12: drink a few mouthfuls and wait 15 minutes (out of an abundance of caution)

Note: I have not been compensated in any way for this forthcoming critique of this Vanuatu kava product sold in Canada. I paid out of my own pocket. My primary motivations to order from Yaqone were a) no potential CBSA issues; and b) speed of delivery. My previous mail order supplier (Root of the Matter) on Vancouver Island in BC seems to be out of the kava business.

If several persons post replies suggesting further interest I can post my experiences with Bula kava.
There is no word limit in reviews, AFAIK, lmk if you have any problems editing this.

Thanks for the detailed review!


Kava Curious
Part III (Part I is on Amazon.ca)

Warning... this will be tedious. In the interest of honesty and accuracy I mention times and effects.

Ratio: 3 heaping tablespoons kava powder, sifted + 5 glasses water + shotglass potentator

Most recent meal: 7 hours previous had vegetables & lentils

Any mind-altering substances in 24 hours previous?: none except a variety of green tea ('genmai cha'), i.e. low -dose caffeine, 9 hours previous

Duration of effects: two hours plus

Physical or mental effects: both, 60-40?

Potentator: yes, cocoanut milk

Time to prepare: two hours

Update to original post: soaked 20 minutes longer (90 minutes), kneaded 10 minutes longer (30 minutes), plus let sit after for 5 minutes

Able to fall asleep after use: yes

Quality of sleep thereafter: unknown, 6 hours later rude awakening by FEDEX calls to pay duty in advance of arrival of Kavatime delivery. No hangover. Feel rested, more or less


- notice aroma has increased
- half of kava powder gone after kneading it mostly under liquid
- familiar characteristics aroma, texture and flavour
- test three mouthfuls intending to wait 15 minutes for any adverse reaction (can then choose to back out of experiment)
- 3 minutes hence feel effects, physical sensation is difficult to describe. Similar but also different than any other psychoactive substance such as alcohol, cannabis or narcotics. It's a sort of floaty feeling, but very mild. 2 minutes later notice numb lips and gums.
- slight heart rate increases (fear?)
- wait 15 minutes without taking more
- 5 minutes later back of mouth cool, as if anesthetized
- 10 minutes later all effects absent, except a new variation: coolness has reached lungs instead
- about an hour I ingest 6 more mouthfuls in 8 minutes, so now have drunk a full coffee cup.
- effects thereafter: mouth numbing, followed by no effect except general mental relaxation (no fear) and breathing feels shallower, but not dangerously so. Decide can proceed.
- 8 minutes later leg itch (not uncommon nocturnal symptom for me regardless of substance or no substance taken). Take OTC antihistamine.
- 10 minutes later take glass water. Numbness has subsided, feel same amount of relaxation as 10 minutes prior. Not less, not more
- within the hour consume 2nd cup, followed by remainder (less than one cup)

At this point do I feel stoned? No.

At this point, do I feel relaxed?: Yes, but without the hilarity of cannabis, without the emotional numbness of oxy [spellchecker refuses me here], without the semi-comatoseness of benzos and without the lack of control of alcohol. I describe the kind of relaxation as 80% physically relaxed and 70% mentally relaxed.

Next time: 4-5 instead of 3 tablespoons, taken socially with a new and an old friend

Any significant differences between now and prior to consuming?: yes, 1) shallower breathing; 2) haven't noticed 24/7 tinnitus for three hours; 3) a little 'floaty' when sitting w/closed eyes, ready to sleep but without extreme heaviness of soporfic medications.