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Micronized Kava Review Pana'ewa


Kava Enthusiast
I might be slightly biased due to my comparative kava inexperience, especially with micro, but this one is as close to five shells as I've come. It's a good alternative to Stone, and although I think I still like Stone slightly more, this one gets extra points since it's micronized and so damn easy to make.

This Pana'ewa was just great. I had a quick one tablespoon shell before dinner and was feeling nice and relaxed until I took my next shell a few hours later, after dinner. (I eat a bunch of small meals throughout the day, so my stomach empties pretty quickly. I can easily drink kava two hours after dinner and feel full effects. If I go any more than three hours without eating, I run the risk of getting an upset stomach.)

My second shell had two tablespoons in it, and I think that's the magic number for me--on weekend evenings, anyway. It's not overly sedating, but a few hours after my second shell I was ready to drift away into my suddenly much more comfortable bed.

I think a combination between the Mo'i instant and the Pana'ewa at around a 1:2 ratio would be top shelf and perfect for a night out with friends.

Also, I have dermatitis. When I drank alcohol, I'm pretty sure it aggravated it a lot. When I drank N@H's Solomon's and Stone medium grind, I think it made it worse, too, even with a ton of extra filtering and only using it twice a week maximum--maybe not as much as booze, but still noticable. On the other hand, the Mo'i instant and the Pana'ewa micro, while I've only had them for two nights in a row, don't seem to be affecting my skin at all.

Now, this is by no means a scientific analysis, because the severity of my dermatitis cycles a lot, due to influences unknown to myself or any dermatologist I've ever seen ("You should use lotion," said the doctor that I just paid money to see.), and it could easily just be a coincidental alignment of circumstances and the arrival of GHK's products. However, I'm hoping that this isn't happenstance. That would be badass.

(I'm also hoping that GHK's medium grind Mahakea will be easy on my skin! We'll see.)

Thanks for reading!
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