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Now Offering Mamaki Tea (our favorite medium to drink fresh kava in)

Paradise Kava

Honolulu, HI
Kava Vendor
In Hawaii, Mamaki is offered at weddings, and most Hawaiian homes are never without it.  Finally got a delivery from a friend who dried a batch of her organic mamaki as whole leaves, not crumbled.  It's also something which helps me personally and it's not unusual for me to drink a half gallon during a day at a Farmer's Market.
Simply love the stuff.
In Hawaii, we believe it lowers BP, cleans the blood and system in general, etc. The benefits are many and it tastes great.

Perfect way to drink it in by making a tea with the mamaki, and using the tea to squeeze the kava in (once it cools down)

Overall, this mixture, 'awa and mamaki is for more of a cleanse, lowering BP and calming the body all at once.

It's not a tea to be drunk in massive quantities. Not mamaki,  because it's also a diuretic like kava, and it's best to keep hydrated with Mamaki  + 'awa

There is a lot of info on mamaki online but feel free to ask if you can't find answers.



The Kap'n

The Groggy Kaptain (40g)
KavaForums Founder
I have no idea what this is but I want to buy it. Where is it located on the site?


Notorious Lightweight
Review Maestro
Hmm...this sounds good.

I could never bring myself to mix kava with my favorite Jasmine Dragon Tears tea.