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Powdered Kava Review Nangol Noble


Kava Enthusiast
Time feels frozen, I want to call out is there anybody here, but I know the answer. I feel waves roll across me, of desperation, numbness, and elation. My soul is being knit together again, this kava is powerful. I feel clear, awake, yet dreaming at the same time. This kava makes me ask, "Is any of this real? Does it matter?" My spirit is searching, seeking, something to grasp onto and this kava is my life-preserver that I dare not let go of for fear of what might happen. I am at a crossroads in my life, and this just enhances all the choices that are possible, all the different paths that I can walk are playing out in my mind and they all terrify me, I hope it doesn't end. Nangol Noble is perhaps one of the most perfect Kavas that I have ever had the honor to drink before, and will surely be bought in excess. I feel every piece of my being with this kava, and I don't say that lightly, this is the perfect kava to take if you are going through something soul-crushing and need a light to keep the demons away. I want passion right now, of any kind I can get, love, hate I want to feel it envelop me because this kava could make me pass through it unscathed and aware of how wonderful this is.

Tastes like a tree, think of it like the IPA of kava, as far as tastes go.
I feel totally calm right now, too calm really. Not in a bad way, but it's almost like a tidal wave is coming and it's going to consume me and instead of running way in fear I open myself to embrace it. This Kava makes me want to get my shit together, and not in an active way but a diligently planning type of way. It feels heady to me, but in a different manner, like a calm at peace that everything is going to be alright whether I want it to be or not. I crave music right now, I am going through all of the songs on my ipod, feeling each one swim across my heart, each note plucking just another memory. This is not a day time Kava, you will be stuck on stupid if you try to do anything functional with this. Sedating, but not in a groggy, drunk kind of way, more of a clear, relaxed, I'm not moving off the couch mental feeling.

I was in pain, but now I am not. The body on this stuff is lazy, it's nice I feel a warm hug across my whole body and my muscles are letting go of any tension that they might have. I am going to try to do some yoga at some point, but I might just fall on my head. I honestly think that if I wanted to I could go to sleep for like 12 hours, maybe I will, maybe I won't. I have some business to take care of first, that I will most likely ignore until tomorrow. I'm trying to move off this couch, it isn't working, I feel like I am wrapped in a warm tortilla of love.

In The End
Buy it, one of the best bang for your buck Kava around, you won't regret it. I don't I only regret not buying more, something that I am going to remedy. I feel safe and you will too, give it a try my friends.


Kava Enthusiast
I'm pretty krunked right now, I am honestly surprised at how potent this stuff is, totally not for a novice. I had to eat to bring myself down, now I am going back for more, I'm going to krunk a hole in the time space continuum.


Kava Enthusiast
Nice review! Just sipping small amounts brings me to a meditative mindset, haven't gotten Krunked yet.


Kava Enthusiast
Well your stated goal was to "krunk a hole in the time space continuum " , there is usually a price to paid for that kind of adventure
I don't mind the price, it isn't anything like a hangover from booze, just tired as hell lol. I am ok now that I got a slurpee.