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Most relaxing mix I've ever made


Kava Enthusiast
Boroguru and fu'u
It's incredibly relaxing and absolutely zero drugged feel. ( for me at least)
Most kavas alter my head somehow, either a strange pressure on the back of my head or a slight fogginess or straight up headache
On top if the good effects.
This mix however had no effects on my head, felt completely normal just insanely mellow and relaxed.

The fu'u grind is too fine for me but mixed with boroguru it worked nice.
Judd maybe next time can you do a more corse grind for the fu'u?
It literally flows right through my double strainer bag.
And I'm all paranoid about consuming too much powder since that dude had that crazy allergic reaction to kava.

Bula Kava House

Portland, OR
Kava Vendor
Kava Bar Owner
We've been messing with our grinds a lot. Most recently Borogu, Boroguru, and Melo Melo got a MUCH finer grind, we'll probably make it a little coarser for the next batch, and the Fu'u too possibly, although some people like it really fine. We sell muslin strainer bags on our site. They work well for the finer grinds.


Kava Enthusiast
Ok thanks, I'll check out the muslin strainer, I've just been using the n@h strainer bags doubled up.

I like the wood chip texture to the boroguru bags I have, it makes me feel like I've been out rummaging in the forest


Kava Curious
Just purchased a 1/4 kilo bag of both varieties there. Looking forward to trying this blend out. Sounds superb!!


Kava Curious
Tried this blend last night!! Really great but I'm looking forward to trying both varieties independently to see what they are both really about!! The smell of the Boroguru when you open the pack is amazing!! Great service Judd. 7 days from Portland to Dublin is super fast!!

Piper Methysticum

Let Kava Take The Wheel
Never thought of combining them will try that out, to me boroguru gives me a happier, all is well feeling than Fu'u but Fu'u is a heavier hitter/more potent, really like them both.


Kava Enthusiast
really i think that that is the first time ive heard someone say thta fu'u was a heavy hitter. i thought boroguru was heavy as shit. but i could see how this combo would give you a well rounded buzz.

Piper Methysticum

Let Kava Take The Wheel
I should have been more specific sorry, that comes from doing the toss and wash method for both. For me 1/4 cup of Fu'u is more potent than the same amount of Boroguru when doing t-n-w. From what I understand the trad. method can be hit or miss w/Fu'u.