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Makas? Or even Tudei?

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I'm interested in things
Today I tried to filter the kava king. Using two nylon socks one over the other, I filtered one glass of water with one teaspoon of Kava King. The result was about 1/4 teaspoon of particles in the socks and a liquid looking like cloudy apple juice rather than muddy water. On the bottom there is some very fine sediment. Havent tried it yet, as my stomach is still sore, but will give it a go when I´m better.

So is it the hardness/structure of the particles that irritate the bowel (like drinking sand), or does it have something to do with acidity or chemical composition?
Instead of just filtering, try kneading the micro in the stockings some. That will get more of the good stuff into your grog. That actually worked for me for GHK micro to make to more palatable for my stomach. Most of it went through; there was just a little bit of gritty stuff left in the stocking.


I'm interested in things
Well I could go there during a hurricane and try to catch the flying kavas .... nevermind, that's even a worse idea. You know, Chris has done at least one article on Kava Rustling. He worked as kinda of game warden but they were trying to protect the huge stands of legacy kavas that were growing wild. I remember seeing one that completely filled the bed of a truck. @Gourmet Hawaiian Kava, maybe you can repost some of those pictures with the story.
Sheriff story:
GHK on his martial arts training:

(I can't find the story where he went out armed with a gun to ward off kava thieves when he was looking for patches of wild growing kava. It might have been in his newsletter..)
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