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genuinely disappointed



I ordered kava to help me with anxiety from PTSD. I know that sometimes people say that it takes time to get full effects but my first try... I felt no help at all. Not even a pleasant feeling. After waiting a week for it to come in after I ordered it, while going through a particularly hard time and looking forward to any relaxation,.. This was extremely disappointing. I ordered from Kalm with Kava and as far as I can tell, they are a good source. I saw so many YouTube reviews from this company of people trying kava for the first time and every single person in the videos had a feeling of relaxation. Why do none of the videos reflect someone that it didn't work for? I'm not sure how long to keep trying before I know that this is just one more thing that doesn't help me. The amounts that I've seen some people say that they put in one batch seems like a LOT. A half cup of ground kava in just one serving? I can't afford to use this at those huge amounts. Is this something that's better used for people with a high budget?


Kava aficionado
I ordered kava to help me with anxiety from PTSD. I know that sometimes people say that it takes time to get full effects but my first try... I felt no help at all. Not even a pleasant feeling. After waiting a week for it to come in after I ordered it, while going through a particularly hard time and looking forward to any relaxation,.. This was extremely disappointing. I ordered from Kalm with Kava and as far as I can tell, they are a good source. I saw so many YouTube reviews from this company of people trying kava for the first time and every single person in the videos had a feeling of relaxation. Why do none of the videos reflect someone that it didn't work for? I'm not sure how long to keep trying before I know that this is just one more thing that doesn't help me. The amounts that I've seen some people say that they put in one batch seems like a LOT. A half cup of ground kava in just one serving? I can't afford to use this at those huge amounts. Is this something that's better used for people with a high budget?
Experiences will always vary, that is undeniable. You need to provide more information so we can best help you, I doubt the kava is the issue because the rest of us know, you know it too, it is likely a mix of bad advice on prep, Idk.

What is your prep amounts? How much water? what temp? how much kava are you using? What is you mindset and expectations, too high maybe? What is your literal mindset going into a kava session? (it should always be positive) if not positive, skip the night, for optimal results.

Come here for kava advice in the future, most Youtubers have no idea what they are talking about (Kavasseur being the exception).


Kava Enthusiast
I can't afford to use this at those huge amounts. Is this something that's better used for people with a high budget?
yes... that's an issue everyone runs into, when he starts to do (love) kava. Especially if you are from EU, where you pay almost double the price. Imagine that.

But somehow I guess many find a way. And breaks here and there are good anyway I guess. And you should use your kava more than once, until no more kavalactones are left.


I used ground kava root, water and coconut milk. The liquids were 112 degrees. I used 20 grams ground kava root and 2 cups of liquid... Around 3/4 part water and 1/4 part coconut milk. I used the blender method. I blended for 4 minutes then carefully strained with the strainer bag that kalm with kava sent with the kava. I drank a half cup every 20-30 minutes until my mixture was gone.

It had been 3.5 hours since I last ate when I started drinking the mixture. My lips felt numb for maybe 30 seconds after each glass. That is the only effect that I noticed.

(TMI warning here...)
After I posted on the forum... And after I drank a few cups of herbal tea... My stomach started to hurt and I threw up. I could tell that I had thrown up kava because there were gobs of brown in the otherwise clear and tea colored stomach contents.

I don't know if I was expecting "too much" ... Right now I really just wanted to feel some kind of improvement in mood or relaxation. I've tried many things. I want to find a way to get out of my sympathetic nervous system and into my para sympathetic nervous system so that my nervous system can heal ... that was my long term hope. But if I can't relax my system long enough to achieve that then I probably will not continue using kava. Not that there is anything at all wrong with doing this but I'm not just trying to have fun. I wouldn't mind having fun in the process though. :) Haha. I'm just saying that I researched this for natural medicine purposes.

Thank you for your help. I'm thinking I will try this once more today. If I throw up again then I don't think I'll want to try another time. Did I prepare it wrong?


Kava aficionado
I don't know if I was expecting "too much" ... Right now I really just wanted to feel some kind of improvement in mood or relaxation. I've tried many things. I want to find a way to get out of my sympathetic nervous system and into my para sympathetic nervous system so that my nervous system can heal ... that was my long term hope. But if I can't relax my system long enough to achieve that then I probably will not continue using kava. Not that there is anything at all wrong with doing this but I'm not just trying to have fun. I wouldn't mind having fun in the process though. :) Haha. I'm just saying that I researched this for natural medicine purposes.

Thank you for your help. I'm thinking I will try this once more today. If I throw up again then I don't think I'll want to try another time. Did I prepare it wrong?
Thank you for the extra information. It sounds like you may be sensitive but you are also making some heavy duty shells with no experience (yet). Try using the same amount of root with cold water, in a bowl, mix it the boring old way, by hand, knead 5-10 min, wring out well and put it in in the fridge, bag and all.

Try spacing out the shells further apart and only use the coconut AFTER you knead the kava in the cold water first. Might also help to not be starving, some people do better with less time between meals.

Final thoughts and something for you to remember. In the very beginning kava is a lot like an SSRI, it takes a little while for the brain to catch up, some people unlike you or I feel it right away, others don't. It took me 2 weeks to really feel it and another several years of fine tunning. If you invest the time and patience into it, it will pay you back 10 fold.


I use Delta-8 but I didn't have any before trying the kava. I don't take anything else.

I have yet to try it again because I felt no better and threw up. I'm trying to work up the nerve to try again. I have received advice to take less and to take more though... Hmmm...


Well... I'm going to try again today. I'm doing 20g again of the same kava (Loa Waka) but this time I'm doing 2 cups of room temperature water. I massaged the bag of kava for 10 minutes and I have set it in the fridge. I thought that just maybe when I used the blender... Maybe I got a bit of the root in the mix if it ground it up too fine and maybe that's why I threw up.

Does having delta-8 or medical cannabis effect the kava results? I'm feeling under the weather with a virus so I'm not sure if I should try this again today but I've already made it. I'm not throwing up but maybe my system won't handle it as well right now. Is this something people take when they don't feel well without issues? Thanks.