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Free Shipping Coupons, Also Introducing PNG's ISA

Paradise Kava

Honolulu, HI
Kava Vendor
Aloha to you all!
Just wanted to share our free shipping coupons which are valid till the end of the month.
Totally free shipping on all US orders, no minimums - plug in coupon code "freeshippingUSA"
Discounted global shipping of $19.99 for all orders. The coupon code is "oneshippingworldover"

Also, we are introducing our 100% Hawaiian Grown Isa. this variety was brought over from PNG almost 2 decades ago my one of my personal Kava heroes, Vincent Lebot. It's adapted to Hawaii extremely well and it's potency is just as strong as PNG kava BUT the taste is far smoother.
Our current stock is from minimum 6 year old plants if not older.
I wish I had taken pictures of the lateral roots from when the July batch batch was harvested. They were massive!

Adil Ghiasi


May the Brew be with you
I would really like to order some of your extracts or powder, but even 19,99 Dollars is still too much.

When I order 1 pound of Kava powder for delivery to Europe with  USPS Priority Mail, I usually have to pay for postage:
11.95 Dollars (KavaByRex)
11.45 Dollars (Hawaiian Kava Center)
14 Dollars (Kickbackwithkava/Kule)

I strongly suggest that you think again about the shipping costs you can offer for oversea customers. And there should also be a much smaller postage for your extracts, as they have very low weight.

Please be aware that european customers always have the risk that the customs places it under confiscation and our money is lost. Therefore we tend to place smaller orders.

Would be great if you could keep this in mind and make a better offer :)

Paradise Kava

Honolulu, HI
Kava Vendor
I am glad you posted a reply on this. Our ususal orders to Europe are normally a bit bigger actually, thereby the extra shipping charge.
Tell you what, I'll split the standard International Rate of $24.99 in half with you if that helps. don't know if we can keep doing that, but let's try it this one time right?!
If there is a bigger flow of orders, we can absorb more shipping costs in the future.
email us at relax (at) paradisekava.com for a reminder to do this if you are interested.
Adil Ghiasi

Paradise Kava

Honolulu, HI
Kava Vendor
Regarding lost packages. We have had no complaints except from Germany and I do not recommend shipping to a German address. Some customers take the risk but we always email them first, advising to give us another address (say a neighbor or friend in a bordering country or something like that)
Other than that, no lost packages yet! (Fingers crossed!)
IF there are others who want deeper shipping discounts Internationally,  please email us with what you'd like and we can make you a custom shipping charge. We will do out best to accommodate any requests.
Paradise Kava


Kava Enthusiast
This isa is tudei? i've been wanting to try it, and if its smoother than png isa then this might be the perfect time to try it.

Paradise Kava

Honolulu, HI
Kava Vendor
Yes ISA is Tudei. Definately smoother than original PNG kavas.
New grind coming up this week so it will be super fresh!

Paradise Kava

Honolulu, HI
Kava Vendor
Obiwan, You asked and we listened.
Check out our new shipping rates. Not everyone is happy about making this change but we want to try it out and see the response.
Aloha to you!
Adil at ParadiseKava

Prince Philip

Duke of Edinborogu
Has anyone done cognition studies with ISA? I'll be starting a new IT certification in a month or two. I study krunk and test krunk under the basic philosophy of "study high, test high, score high," which has never let me down. My main concern is that if it doesn't have the same ability to inhibit re-uptake of noradrenaline in the pre-frontal cortex, I might not be able to use it to become an instant genius. That and I have an easily upset tummy after decades of eating English cuisine as one of my state duties. I've even spread the rumor that I'm actually Greek (from Corfu, not Tanna), so that I can sneak a gyro every so often.