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Fijian Kava's Lab Results are in...

Paradise Kava

Honolulu, HI
Kava Vendor
Lab called me up this afternoon.

Ever bag out of the 20 lbs was pure as the driven snow. No pesticides, nothing but goodness. Glad to know since a dozen of us have been sucking this excellent kava up.  (smiley: roll)

Results are forwarded to the FDA upon whom we wait till we can "officially" put it on our website.

Could be a while boys and girls, or could be next week.

Prices remain the same, we will be eating this cost....with pride. (smiley: wink)

uuku pi

Kava Enthusiast
Happy Happy Joy Joy, It keeps me up for days but I love it. It also tastes great. Hope all your dreams come true ,you are a good guy. I worry about all that purity stuff ,thanks again;)