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AKA Bylaws Comments, Suggestions, and Changes


Kava Vendor
Lets open the discussion for any changes the community would like to see from the current and existing bylaws found at AmericanKavaAssociation.org

In light of recent research that was not available to us last year when the bylaws were created, the Tudei issue is nearly solidified. The community has nearly unanimously agreed that Tudei should not be sold or served. It will be changed to "Noble Kava Only" in the next week, unless anyone has some compelling arguments to say otherwise.



The d'Artagnan forum 4th Kavateer
Apologies if I've missed the answers in some of these specifics, could they be made clear here



EDIT: These were my questions, just for clarity and such- Infraredz

With that all being said, I have my answered answered regrading this K***** issue and I personally am satisfied with the position you and the AKA are taking and the direction you are going in.

So, let's start talking about the AKA and issues specific to it:

We already talked about most of this, but I'll voice it publicly and ask you questions that I have recently thought of, especially after reading the COA that you provided.

To make this easier for you to answer or address, I'll number my questions or comments:

Structure and Operation:
  1. Will the board members names be made public, as well as their role in the AKA? If so, what information will be included (eg. their CV)?
  2. How many positions are "open" and how many will be filled by each of the following: suppliers, researchers, community members [and any legal consultants, if needed]?
  3. Will the bylaws be published publicly, and if so, when?
  4. How separate will the board be from vendors or suppliers? For example, if a board member that happens to be a vendor has unfavorable testing results, how will that be dealt with? Say that Adil starts to grow and harvest wichmanii and will not stop doing so. How will the board go about dealing with the issue? For example, will he be present in the board meeting? What are the terms and conditions for being on the BOD?
  5. Will only vendors that are members of the AKA submit their kava to be tested?
Testing and Analysis
  1. Will any testing be done on kava that is from a vendor or supplier that is not a member?
  2. What are the differences between the three various labs? Are three used because they offer varying levels of service (one has HPLC but not GC/MS)?
  3. How will the chain of custody work with vendors submitting their samples for testing? Using a previous example, what if Adil decided that he knew his wichmanii kava was bad, and therefore sent a sample in a bag labeled "Premium Hawiian 'Awa"?
  4. How often will the random, anonymous tests be conducted?
  5. Who will purchase the products that are going to be anonymously tested and what will the chain of command look like for that?
  6. Will these anonymous tests only be conducted if the AKA, or some entity within the AKA decided to "spot check" it? If so, what will be the procedure, or burden of proof (so to speak) be?
  7. If and when a sample tests as unsatisfactory, will the results of that test be provided immediately for public view, or will there be a window for the vendor/supplier to correct the action before the results are made public?
  8. If the vendor/supplier does take action to remedy the unsatisfactory result, will the results still be listed publicly?
  9. How will the origin of the processing, growing and manufacturing be determined?
  10. How will the expiration date and manufacturing date be determined?
  11. Regarding Odor and Taste, what would the parameters be for passing or failing?
  12. Under "Identification", there is a result that reads the following:
    Characteristic- Identification Specification- Complies by HPLC Result- Conform Testing Method-HPLC
    Please explain this test (what is the specification for compliance, what is being tested?)
  13. Regarding the test for chemotype, it looks like the chemotype is being used to determine if the sample is noble or tudei. What are the guidelines/cutoffs for determination of noble/tudei and how did that guideline become utilized?
  14. Will there be any quantification test for KL/Flavokavains?
This chemotype test is what I am very interested in, because from what I understand, there is no such standard by any researcher or organization for what a suitable chemotype is to be considered "noble" or "tudei"
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