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Sitting in Berkeley, CA Kava Bar MeloMelo


Kava Curious
Third 10 ounce. which they call a double shell. I think it would have hit me really hard, but I was into a very intense conversation with the guy next to me, so waited a while inbetween. It is good. Not super strong. I talked to the guy about making something strong and he said they usually have one batch per night only but if I call ahead they may be able to make something a bit strong.

They put Kalm with kava (I think) extract in a smoothie. Very good, you can't even tell its Kava. I'm going to get that next, see what it is like.

Their brew is definitely active, but not as strong as what I do at home. Took third 10 ounce to really hit me. Second hit nicely but more just smooth than anything else.


Kava Curious
Pictures, sure let me try. Might take a minute. Also, I'm on IPad so don't know if I'll be able to attach. But I can definitely take them and post tonight if it doesn't work now.

Steve Mariotti

Kavapithecus Krunkarensis
Review Maestro
I've been twice. I fear their house kava may not be 100% noble, though Nic wasn't really interested in sending a sample to Garry.


Kava Curious
Steve, what makes you think that? I certainly wouldn't say it is super strong at all. That may not mean anything, but when I take Wow or Stone I get hit really hard 20 seconds later. This is 'melo' as they claim. I am trying to get the cultivar from them, I don't think the guy knows or he doesn't want to tell the special secrets. On their home page they have a decent page around 'chemistry' of Kava, but don't mention noble.


Kava Curious
Steve, the guy had quite a laugh when I mentioned you.

Did another large shell.. Getting towards done. Did the instant as well in some sort of strawberry milkshake type thing. Didn't taste like Kava at all, so they were successful there, but as expected not much effect as I've found with most of the other extracts.


Kava Curious
Oh interesting, it is starting to get dark and they are putting a video of nature things on the wall. Nice. I like nature.

I think I've had enough. Don't know exactly, 5 or 6 'double' shells. I don't mind tonight because it is very unique for me to be in a place like this, but it ends up being fairly expensive at 10/double shell. But for now that is fine. I think most people would have one or two? Talking to the people around me I think everyone else was doing one or two at most and the kombuchea they make on site seems to be a big hit. They also have mate vana and a few other drinks that aren't alcohol or Kava. A few snacks as well.

Very nice overall.


Avg. Dosage: 8 Tbsp. (58g)
Review Maestro
That place looks in desperate need of window tinting and darker wall paint. :cool:

I talked to these guys before they opened and they brought up, unprovoked, being interested in noble kavas only.